Showing posts with label Traffic Without SEO.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traffic Without SEO.. Show all posts

Monday 29 December 2014


How to Get Visitors From Search Engine Without Hiring SEO Experts :

Traffic without SEO
This is modern Era Where everyone is going to start Online Business via Website, Social Media Website by making their Verified Fan Page / Business Page that's Why 
Many Business Websites hire SEO Experts to make their website Rank on Google  and Alexa. Alexa Ranking and Google Ranking is a Factor which tell New Visitors about Quality and popularity of your website that's why I'm going to share my experience about How we can get Visitors From Google and other Search Engines 
without hiring An SEO Expert or without doing any Special SEO Settings. Please Read Following Paragraph to Know About Google Robot Policies of 2014 and 2015.
       Google Robot and other Search Engine Robots usually don't Follow SEO settings because of Copy right Content and even Google promote our Domain Directly without doing Any Seo settings so we need to Start our domain on behalf of and then we should get our domain by Godaddy.Com . If our website is about Article or Tutorials so we should write by our hands means Unique thinking, Extra ordinary Experience sharing in Details. Search Engines usually Notice Article Unique level 
and Content Unique and HD quality if we are going to use Image sharing blogger So We will have to care about our content quality. Facebook pages Post about your website, Twitter, Google Plus, Yahoo Answers and Forum posting all are Factors to get new Keywords From Search Engines. You should know about to Make Backlinks. Backlink ( write your article 
Qualities and at the end type your post link on Facebook Pages, Google Plus Pages, Youtube Comments, Twitter Tweets, Forum Postings and On yahoo Answers on Related Questions called As Backlinks. ) Example : if I need to make a backlink of my own Post so I'll make it as ( How to get Visitors from Search Engines without Doing any SEO Settings, how to get traffic from Google, 
How to Get Traffic from Keywords Research on Google. Learn more ). Note one thing that I seperated Article keywords by Putting Comma and after Comma I gave space and Then I wrote second keyword and at the end I wrote my post Address.Website should have contact us page, Fan/Business Facebook / Google Plus Page : 
If we add our contact us page, About us page, Search Contents option on Our blogger or website so Visitors love to come on our website again and again. In fact Google robot 
feels it Safe for their visitors so we should Add these buttons on our website.

Comments and Reviews Are Factors for Keywords research : 

If our post gets Comments and reviews, Google plus sharing, Blogger Sharing by other visitors, Facebook sharing, Twitter sharing by tweets by our visitors and if our website Recommended by others on Yahoo answers or on Forum Questions so we don't need to do any SEO because all Social Media websites Do Their SEO By Experts so It's a trick and Smart 
Working. You Just Need to request your friends and family to Share your post on every platforms which will Allow you to get Unique Visitors Via Social Media and Also your Post will be famous every where because of Multiple shares by your friends and family members. After 15 days you will get your post in search Engine but trick is to work one post properly at least 10 days and wait next 5 days to get results. If your post gets 1000 comments on Google plus, 1000 comments on Facebook Fan/Business page with 1000 shares, 1000 Tweets, 
100 answers on yahoo answers, 100 post on 100 forums and 100 visitors from different Countries so I'm 100% sure that you will get no.1 spot on your article or tutorial. Now you can earn some money by using ADsense or other program. I hope you have Understood Policies of Search Engine Robots.
Please Leave Your Comments Or Ask Your Question in Comment box below. I hope you have understand how to get traffic from search engine with doing anything or without hiring search engine optimization Experts.