Showing posts with label Keywords. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keywords. Show all posts

Sunday 16 February 2014

Seo for blogger

What is Seo, Seo Settings for Blogger, Seo Settings For Website

Search Engine optimization is a robot or search engine robot which plays an important role in ranking blog or website if you have. Seo settings must be enable for website or on blogger blog. In this advance blogging and website comptition era, you will having to learn proper seo settings to get traffic via search engine in which we have Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others who work as search engine where people write and search their data. There are many factors in Seo settings which you will having to learn for blogger and domain website. Basics of Seo are as following.
01- Proper Language Material.
02- Proper Grammar.
03- Post according to Blog title, Blog Descriptions, Meta Tags ( special feature in Blogger / website which is mentioned in this blog here is a link of meta tags settings information, how to set meta tags).
04- Google Plus page should be linked with your blogger or website.
05- Post Tittle should be according to the Post.
06- Post link should me full words as you typed post Tittle, you can manually make post tittle in blogger or blogspot blog. You will have to click on New Post then go right hand side and then click on link, now you will see automatic link and manual link, now click on manual link and write complete post tittle in box but you will having to press dash button on your keyword (((( - )))) another example like if my post is how to do seo settings for blogger? so i will write as how-to-do-seo-settings-for-blogger.
07- After posting a post on blogger, you will have to Make labels, just select post and select option of lables but seprately by comas for example my post is all about search engine optimization settings so I can make labels as ( best seo settings, free seo tips, blogging seo, high rank seo settings, how to rank high, seo course, basics of seo )
do not type full stop and do not type anything you will have to type Comma ( , ) when you complete one label again watch example, seo working on blogger, concept of seo in blogger, seo best settings, world seo settings, backlinks and seo basics, seo tools for blogger.
08- Backlinks or advertisement links in proper method on various famous and high ranking forums, websites and blogs. for example you have 5 post about seo so you can make advertisement text as learn ( free seo course, how to create backlinks, how to rank high on google, blogging tips to get traffic, how to appear blog in search engine results for more details please visit link ). You will having to create Full Address backlinks and separately post back links. Seprate post backlinks are not very hard these are easy which you can make according to your post like I have a post on seo tips for blogger to get high rank on google so I will make backlink or advertise of my post as ( If anyone want to get high rank of his / her blog in Google Search results or on any search Engine so read article on Seo tips for blogger read Complete Article on seo by visit this link )
10- I am going to share a very amazing and strange last 10th step which I get from my experience for blogger seo. After completing all post on your blogger, do not sign in your gmail or blogger id OR In other words do not check your blogger blog but continue link sharing with friends / family and friends of friends about your blog by facebook, twitter, social forums. You will having to get help from your friends to get comments on your blogger post.
Now you have completed all seo on your blogger, do not do anything else if you will follow these steps. I hope you can get millions of Unique visitors from Search engine and if you will get more than 1000 comments from different countries and different Ip address in your local country so you can get higher rank on google search engine. It is now up to you if you want to beat any website with your blogger. These 10 steps are enough for you to optimization settings for blogger settings.