Sunday 16 February 2014

how to rank higher on google

how to get rank no.1 in google?
Concepts of Ranking in Search Engine:
There are infinity of blogs, free web hosting websites, domain websites and forum websites who are working socially and for earning via advertisement as google adsense, infolinks and clicksor offer bloggers to earn via advertisement in layout. Ranking no.1 on google, yahoo or bing is not impossible but it's a difficult task if you are not running a website or blog on unqiue concept. I am going to provide all basic information about ranking high on google to you which will be helpful to learn ranking system on google, it will help you to rank high your blog or website and Basics of Ranking Google is as following.
Without Copypaste Material:
Copy paste material is not allowed which usually beginners do to get ride of hardworking but google do not allow people to steal hardworking of others. Google robot always prefer or suggest unqiue, informative, new, social working, without copypaste and own written blogs or websites.
Google Plus (g+) Comments:
Google plus comments always help robot to find you first and it will possible to get Google Plus comments when you advertise your blog on facebook, twitter and google plus inwhich you can not give your own comments or you can not comment by your computer because google server do not allow this trick for using on a single computer.
Advertisement is called back links, google adwards ( advertisement department of google ) charge money for advertisement but they give us smart keywords and traffic. You can create free backlinks on Social media websites, Forums, Domains and blogs with a proper method. For example if I am admin of so I will create backlinks according to my header or tittle of blog / website, descriptions of website / blogger, post tittle and special words in my article. For example: ( sexual health solutions in Hindi, Answers and Questions about Sexual health in English, Sexual Health Tips, Kissing is haram or Halal, How To Increase Breasts Size, How to Tighten Breasts Naturally at Home, Breasts Exercise at Home, How To Intercourse in First Wedding Night, First time Intercourse without Pain Read More to visit ). You should always create back links after posting any thing on your blog or website because is very very important option to get high rank / first rank of our blog or website on search engine and Searching Robots find those blogs / websites who keep their back links on otherwebsites.

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