Wednesday 5 November 2014

Free Seo Online Tutorial


Seo is known as Search 
Engine Optimization and It's a high demand 
work on online working. Due to seo People are earning more than $500.00 USD in a Day 
By just doing seo settings of websites and bloggers. This tutorial is all about  for seo training 
for beginners. You can increase your website traffic and your business on search engine if you 
follow seo learning online tutorial step by step. 

Seo definition

It's a work and technical art in which we make 
our website best in search results of Search 
Engines like Google results, Yahoo Web Search and 
Other Search Engine Like Bing about SEO etc. It's 
simple that if our website, blog get position on 
First Page of Google so we can get more traffic 
and more business That's why people demand Seo. 
Qualities of Website seo :
There are few Qualities which robots of other search 
engine check in a website which 
are following.
Step By Step Seo :

Click >>>> >>>>>Website or Blogger Title and Description According To Google

Generate Title of website free

How To Generate Title of Website or Blogger Free : 

We can create title of website without paying any single cent to any other website and it's a simple and Easy Trick. Just Check Your Article I mean If you are going to write a website on Seo So you can Find Seo On Google and Then on The Last part Down Of The Google Page you can Found a Title and group Description which Is very simple as I mentioned In an Image of How To Create Website Tittle And How To Generate Website Or Blogger Descriptions.

How To Generate Free Website Description

Now you Can See Search Related To Seo and you can write Your Blog Or Website Title in top searches. If you want to Create Website or Blogger Description so you can generate very easily by separating these keywords with commas example : Seo Techniques, Seo Tutorial, Seo Tips, Seo Tools, Seo Guide, Seo Google, Seo Service and learn seo on This Website.
Read More To Open if you want to Know About Article Or tutorial or Material According To Search Engine Robot's Setting
LINK >>>>

Google Not Allow Us To Use Copy Paste Article

Unique material or Copy Paste:
Google, yahoo, bing and other search engines 
don't promote copy paste material that's 
why we can't use copy paste material in our 
website but we can read and then 
we can write in our wording. If we are going 
to share articles of any website or Twitter tweets 
so we will have to show Twitter reference and 
Twitter link. Example : Shane Warne Wrote on 
Twitter " Good Luck Ausies " Link >>> 
"" OR "" 
If You are going to say about any website or article of any website or news of 
any website so you can write as, Said
 "Our Administration is going to Teach Free Seo Training By Their Tutorials And By Their Videos. 
We will teach all basics of Seo, Article Writing According to Seo, Seo Keyword, How to Get Keyword, 
How to increase visitors from Search engine, How to Appear our website on Search Engine, 
How to Do Article spining or Retyping Article. " NOTE : After writing website or blogger 
link please select link and then click on link option on the up of blogger or if you 
are using website so search link option.

How to Get Keywords From Article

Keywords should be in proper method :
If you are writing an Article or a Tutorial so you will have to find proper title post 
on google. It's a simple trick that you can use famous search on google Example : 
We type Seo Google Shows before we write more Seo Training Course etc etc so 
Now Here we can Choose Seo Training Course or Seo Training Tutorial Or Learn Seo Free of cost. 
If You Want To Target a particular place or If you want to spread business in your city 
so you can write as Learn seo course in America or Learn Seo Training By Seo Expert in 
London. After Writing Title Post You will have to write your article, In your article or informative 
tutorial you will have to use your title post one time in first 2 lines and last 2 lines of first paragraph 
then you will have to use similar keywords in middle of your article. In Your Last Para of First line should 
contain your title post keyword and last line should be about asking more question example. I hope 
you have learned all basics about seo and If you have questions so feel free to ask on comment box.