Wednesday 5 November 2014

How to Get Keywords From Article

Keywords should be in proper method :
If you are writing an Article or a Tutorial so you will have to find proper title post 
on google. It's a simple trick that you can use famous search on google Example : 
We type Seo Google Shows before we write more Seo Training Course etc etc so 
Now Here we can Choose Seo Training Course or Seo Training Tutorial Or Learn Seo Free of cost. 
If You Want To Target a particular place or If you want to spread business in your city 
so you can write as Learn seo course in America or Learn Seo Training By Seo Expert in 
London. After Writing Title Post You will have to write your article, In your article or informative 
tutorial you will have to use your title post one time in first 2 lines and last 2 lines of first paragraph 
then you will have to use similar keywords in middle of your article. In Your Last Para of First line should 
contain your title post keyword and last line should be about asking more question example. I hope 
you have learned all basics about seo and If you have questions so feel free to ask on comment box.

how to get high on google search

Google plus Comments: 
If you get comments from google plus so your website or blog link will be in 
search results very soon but TRICK is to get comments from Different Countries, 
Cities and Areas like We All know about Google Stores our Website History but 
we don't know that what Google do ? I tell you google Spread Our Searches to our 
friend and family which are connected with us via email, google plus or other google 
services so If we get 5 comments from London UK, 5 Comments from Washtington U.S.A and 5 Comments 
From Canadian Cities so we Can Get International Ranking Soon. Trick is very simple for us if we follow it 
And We can Get help from Facebook To Share Our Articles on Canadian Groups of Facebook, USA Chating Groups and 
London's Group. Your Work is just to take comments from Google Plus From all over the world if you want to bring your website on other sub-domain of Google or other bloggers. It's a fastest method to Rank On Google and If you get at least 1000 comments from all over the world so believe me or not that your website or blogger post will get many keywords and you will Get High On Google Search Results.

how to create backlinks to your website or Blogger Free

Create Back Links ( Backlinks ) :
Posting Link of Our Website on different social media platforms or on different bloggers, blogs, or 
or on different forums knows as a process of BACKLINK Generation. We can create Free Backlinks on 
Social Media Pages like pages of Facebook and Pages of Google Plus and Also On Comment of Pages on Similar Post. 
We will Have To Create Social Media Pages on Our Website or Blogger or Blog whatever we have to advertise. 
Example : Learn Seo Free in English It's a Page on Facebook and on Facebook Page you have to write details about 
your website in description ( long and short both ) your website link in website address on facebook page will be a back link of 
your website or blogger website or sub-domain website. After doing Settings of Facebook Page you will have to 
Create separate Backlinks of Your all post One By One Example your first post or tutorial was about Seo Basics so you can post on face book 
as Learn Seo Basics In English, How to Appear Our Website in Search Engine Results, How to Bring our Website On Google Results Visit Link .
You will have to seprate similar titles of post by using , , , ,  Commas  ( , ) and after comma you will have to space one time again watch properly. 
Example : Learn Seo, Free Seo Training In UK, Seo Training Tutorials about Blogger Visit website http://www.xyuz.coms .
You will have to sign up on all famous social media website in which we have google plus, twitter, facebook,, my space and hi5. Create Official page or Post link of your 
post on wall with keyword of title setting as I mentioned in Example. Request or Inform Other Websites or Bloggers To Write Article On You Or Search Your Backlink on Their Website Which will 
also helpful for you to get rank on Google.
Create Funny page In English On Facebook To Get Audience : 
If you Create Funny Page on Facebook So You Can Get Audience From America, 
Canada, United kingdom, Australia and from other part of World. Now a days people love to use 
Android applications that's why They Use Gmail Accounts and We All know that everyone Like Business in 
his / her part time or as a full time. You Can Share Your Marketing Blog or website 
with them or You can Make Downloading website where you post  downloading links 
of Games, Apps, Movies, Songs and Clips etc. Create website According To Their Interest as We know 
That every normal person wants funny videos to get entertainment so we can make on funny video clips.
But Force People To Say About You In Comments of Facebook And Blogger profile or Also on Website if you connect 
Google plus comments via api or html coding so you can get good results on Google. Manual Backlink can also Play an important role to suggest your own friends and family but you will have to know friends of friends policy as I mention in this seo training session. If you have Still Any Question About how to create backlinks for blogger or How To Create Backlinks for Website and Any other question so you can also ask on Comment box. I'll be happy if you will provide me little benefit to write your reviews about my Tutorial. I hope you will get your website in search engine results soon and I hope that you have understood Basics of Seo Training. Please Give your Comment Below In Comment Box. 

Sunday 2 November 2014

Facebook Group Poster

Facebook Automatic Group poster is very famous software which I'm going to sell it in cheap rates just in 30$ life time. Auto poster software will post your advertise or post in all groups with in 5 to 10 minutes automatically so it will be good for marketing persons. Contact me via skype if you want to download auto group poster. I'll also train you about how to post all fb groups in single click. Please leave your comments if you are interested to make a deal.
my email is :